Eligible veterans applying for first time membership must submit the following information:
1. Completed Membership application
2. COPY OF DD214 depicting honorable discharge (cover SSN)
3. Membership Dues Payment. ($50). Make checks payable to American Legion Post 377
DO NOT SEND CASH. If you wish to submit cash, bring directly to our club during open hours and provide money and documents to a bartender or officer present.
4. If the information is correct, membership will be approved and then a membership card will be mailed to you.
Thanks to the LEGION Act (Let Everyone Get Involved In Opportunities for National Service Act), Congress expanded the current eligibility period to cover Dec. 7, 1941, to the present, and includes the current war campaigns. Previously, there were seven declared war periods. Now there are two, the current war period dating back to World War II and another war era covering World War I. No other restrictions to American Legion membership changed.
Because eligibility dates remain open, all members of the U.S. Armed Forces are eligible to join The American Legion at this time, until the date of the end of hostilities as determined by the government of the United States.
Must have served at least one day of active military duty during one of the dates below and honorably discharged or still serving honorably.
For any questions please contact our membership chairman, or stop at the Post between 12-9.